Furon® High Purity Gauge Protector

Single & Double, Molded Diaphragms
High purity Furon Gauge Protectors isolate metal pressure gauges and transducers from potentially damaging media, protecting downstream equipment. Furon Gauge Protectors utilize a PTFE diaphragm to isolate the process chemistry from the filler fluid. Double-diaphragm Gauge Protectors offer dual containment protection against aggressive or high-temperature process chemistries. Innovative design features dual fill ports for the isolation media, allowing for easy fill and purge. A variety of isolation media may be used, including glycerin, DI water, and IPA/DI mixtures. Furon Gauge Protectors are 100% metal and elastomer free, contributing to longer product life and significantly reducing the potential for leakage or contamination. A wide variety of configurations is available to accommodate the requirements of virtually any application. Options include flow-through tees which are fuse-bonded to eliminate the potential for thread leakage, pressure transducers with digital display, and custom end connections.